Tips to Bowl Like a Pro
Bowling is a sport that appeals to all ages and walks of life. From the casual weekend night out with friends to the competition of league play, bowling offers something for everyone.
Whether you’re a seasoned league player, someone completely new to the sport, or been bitten by the practice bug, there’s always room for improvement. Follow these simple tips to help you bowl like a pro.
Consistency. Bowling is more methodical than it seems. You walk to the lane, arm swing, and follow need to be the same every time. The more you repeat the motions, the more it becomes second nature.
Practice. Getting better at bowling takes more than a few games during league play – it takes practice. HomeTown Lanes offers Open Bowling during the week, giving you an opportunity to hit the lanes and prepare for your next league game. While practicing, the focus should not be your score. Focus on one specific aspect of your game instead, such as spare shooting, timing, or targeting. As with any skill set, repetition is the key to mastery. Plus the more you practice your bowling skills and techniques, the easier it gets.
Invest in a Spare Ball. Even in a perfect bowling world, you’re not going to get a strike every single time. You are human, after all. Converting spares can make a difference in your score. A spare ball is designed to go straight, allowing you to easily pick up those pesky single pin spares. Most pro shops sell spares balls at a minimal cost.
Have Fun. This is the simplest and most important item. If you take away nothing else from this blog, remember to have fun. If you’re not having fun because your league is too competitive, switch to a fun league for a season to re-spark your love for the sport. Or gather some friends for bowling and beers on Color Pin night at HomeTown Lanes